The Career Team at CJC helps aid UC Berkeley as well as students in the Bay Area get connected with Japanese companies, professionals, and develop the skills and knowledge needed to pursue a career in Japan or at a Japanese company.
We host a multitude of career events, workshops, and networking opportunities to help you your future career in Japan.

An Intro to CJC Career
For many students who came all the way to the U.S. from Japan, it is difficult to fulfill their passion to contribute to Japan through their careers by utilizing their study abroad experience, language skills, and dynamic energy.
Therefore, they need access to limited information, including the Boston Career Forum. In addition, while there are many people, not just Japanese students, who would like to work in Japan in the future from the perspective of security and culture, information dissemination and provision of opportunities for these people is still insufficient.
Thus, the Cal Japan Club Career Team provides professional services to help people find a job in Japan in a meaningful way by utilizing the connections with numerous companies that we have accumulated through our long history. Furthermore, we plan to establish a system to support Japanese students who have been disadvantaged due to visa hurdles and lack of knowledge in finding jobs in the U.S.
UCバークレーの日本人留学生・日本語話者をはじめ日本での就職を考えている学生のために、キャリア情報の発信や企業と合同での就活イベントの開催など、キャリア形成支援に取り組んでいます。これまで、BCG・PwC・KPMGなどの大手コンサルティング会社や、TOYOTA・Nissan・BOSCHなどの有名メーカー、三井物産・三菱商事などの人気総合商社など、多くの企業様との連携実績を誇ります。 また、我々が主催しているベイエリア在住の日本語話者のためのネットワークイベント「ベイエリア交流会」は、キャリアや学問、趣味などを通じて新たな繋がりを広げることができるため、毎年大好評を博しています。
Bay Area Exchange
Bay Area Exchange is the annual networking event for people who live in the Bay Area and want to build a meaningful connections in the Japanese Community. It will help you find job opportunities, academic interests, hobbies, etc!
This year (2025) the event will be held on campus on Apr 6, 2025. Please refer to the Event Page (click here) for more info.

Let Us Help You With Your Recruitment and Public Relations
For companies interested in recruiting UC Berkeley students who speak Japanese and other talented international students as new graduates or interns, CJC offers the following sponsorship options.
Please contact the following email address for pricing and other information.
Please reach out to CJC Career Team at:
Flower Plan 花プラン
Host and publicize online recruiting events.
Bird Plan 鳥プラン
In-person recruiting events on campus or in the San Francisco area
Wind Plan 風プラン
Comprehensive and customizable one-year recruiting support, including campus visits, from information sessions to interviews, as well as company name and logo placement on CJC's official website and SNS.
Moon Plan 月プラン
One year of recruiting support, focusing on matching long-term interns, as well as company name and logo placement on CJC's official website and SNS.